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Showing posts from September, 2014

The Geek Side of Me

By a raise of hands how many of you are "mobile geeks"? Did you really just raise your hand? I hope not. Well, I have no shame in telling you that I am! I love all tech and all the geek that comes along with it. Im new to the technology world of selling, less than 5 years. And while that may sound bad to some, others would say, "good means you have no bad habits". The world of mobile has changed drastically over the last few years. Ill go over a few highlights in case you have been in a cave somewhere. The hype of the "Phablet" is at an all high. Between Apple and Samsung they have not only changed the way we look at our phones, such as how much we spend on them and how often, to what abilities we require in them. Examples, without Samsung we would not have the size of the phones we do. Lets be honest who would have thought we would be going backwards in how big they are. Also, when was the last time you carried a camera in your pocket along ...

Dinner at Home Can Be Great

I love a Sunday dinner as I'm sure you do. Growing up my family would get together and make dinner, the smells of my favorite food all in the air. The sounds of the men in the back room watching TV. As a little girl I never understood why my grandmother and mother would do it. All the stress and all the clean up. But as I grew I learned that they enjoyed it. All of it. From the prep (sometimes the night before) to the smiles on our faces and the talk at the table. They enjoyed every minute!   And now I try to do this as often as I can in my own home. Now my house rarely has the amount of people it did as a child. But, I feel that Sunday dinner is still very important.  So here we are. It's Sunday and the air is crisp you can tell the change in season is happening. A glass of wine and an open window for a breeze is all you want.  I love a meatball. Might be abovious by the title of my blog, but I do I love a meatball.  A traditional meatball should have a perfect...